Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Traveler's Guide to Languages

Hello,  bonjour,  hola, salam, olà, and ciao friends!  So if you,  like me,  have a bit of a obsession with traveling, then you're going to need to know simple phrases for whatever country to which you're traveling.  Even if you don't travel, it's always a good idea to have a basic idea of multiple languages.  Today,  I'm going to be teaching you some simple phrases in French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, and Italian. Let's get started! 
Each English word will be white,  French will be blue,  Spanish will be red,  Arabic will be orange,  Portuguese will be green,  and Italian will be purple. 

Goodbye:  Au revoir. Adiòs. Ma'a salama. Adeus. Arrivederci. 
I am lost:  Je suis perdu(e).  Estoy perdido. Ada'tu tareeqi. Estou perdido. Mi sono perso. 
Please:  S'il vous plaît. Por favor. Por favor. Per favore. 
Thank you:  Merci. Gracias. Shokran. Obrigado/Obrigada. Grazie. 
Do you speak English?:  Parlez-vous l'anglais? Hablas inglès?  Hal tatakalluma allogha alenjleziah? Fala inglês? Parli inglese?
Yes/no:  Oui/non. Sí/No. Na'am/laa. Sim/não. Sì/no. 

I realize that there is supposed to be an upside down question mark before Spanish questions,  but I couldn't figure out how to type it. Sorry! I also couldn't find the Arabic way to say please that used the English alphabet, so I also apologize for that. Now a fun one (sans Arabic):

Unicorn:  Licorne. Unicornio. Unicornio. Unicorno. 

Hope you had a little fun learning this,  and stay classy,  America! 

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